How to Get an Emotional Support Dog Letter

therapy dog letter

When life’s challenges become overwhelming, having an emotional support dog can provide comfort and stability. These dogs offer emotional relief for those struggling with mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or PTSD.

To officially recognize your dog as an emotional support animal (ESA), you’ll need an emotional support dog letter. This guide will walk you through the steps to obtain this important document.

1. Understanding the Purpose of an Emotional Support Dog Letter

An emotional support dog letter is a document from a licensed mental health professional (LMHP) that states you have a mental or emotional condition and that your dog helps alleviate some of your symptoms.

This letter is crucial because it allows your dog to live with you in housing that may not otherwise allow pets, and it can also help when traveling. Unlike service dogs, emotional support dogs don’t require specialized training, but the emotional support dog letter is what legally validates their role.

2. Assessing Your Need for an Emotional Support Dog

Before you seek an emotional support dog letter, it’s important to evaluate your need for one. Ask yourself if your dog provides emotional comfort that helps you manage your daily life. If your dog’s presence significantly reduces your symptoms of anxiety, depression, or another mental health condition, an emotional support dog might be right for you.

3. Finding a Licensed Mental Health Professional

The next step is to connect with a licensed mental health professional who can assess your situation. This could be a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or another LMHP. If you already have a therapist, start by discussing your feelings and how your dog supports you.

If you don’t have a therapist, you can search for one in your area or look for reputable online services that offer therapy dog letter. These online platforms can be convenient, but it’s essential to ensure they are legitimate and that the LMHP is fully licensed.

Get an Emotional Support Dog Letter

4. Discussing Your Needs with the Therapist

During your appointment, be open about your struggles and how your dog helps you cope. The therapist will likely ask questions about your mental health history, your current symptoms, and how your dog contributes to your well-being.

This conversation is crucial because the therapist needs to understand your situation fully to write an accurate and effective emotional support dog letter.

5. Receiving and Using Your Emotional Support Dog Letter

Once the therapist has determined that you qualify for an emotional support dog, they will write a letter on their official letterhead. This letter will include the therapist’s license number, contact information, and a statement explaining why you need an emotional support dog. With this letter in hand, you can present it to landlords, airlines, or other relevant parties.


Obtaining an emotional support dog letter is a straightforward process that can offer significant emotional benefits. By understanding your needs, working with a licensed therapist, and keeping your documentation updated, you can ensure that your emotional support dog continues to be a source of comfort and stability in your life.

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